We did this activity at my house which made it so simple and easy. From start of bread making to finish 1 hour 15 minutes.

Bread Sculpture Recipe (aka pizza crust recipe)
2 cups warm water
2 packets yeast (I used SAF instant, my recipe doesn't specify)
5 cups flour (700g) add up to 1/4 cup more flour if dough is really sticky.
1/4 cup olive oil
2 tsp sugar
2 tsp salt
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Dissolve the yeast into the warm water. Stir in the other ingredients, about 20 strokes. Set aside for 5 minutes. Shape dough, if you don't know what to make, start with a lot of balls and snakes and take it from there. Bake for 12 minute or until nicely browned. Very large shapes may need 2-3 extra minutes and very small ones may need a minute less. Use a pastry brush to brush "pizza oil" over the top when they come out of the oven. This recipe was perfect for 10 girls.
Pizza Oil Recipe
4 TBS butter melted
1 TBS parmesan cheese
garlic salt to taste, I sprinkle it over the butter like I would over pasta or bread.
a sprinkle of parsley flakes ground up between fingers adds some nice color
Bread Sculpture Paint
1 egg white
food coloring
Add food coloring to the white of one egg in a small bowl, glaze bread before cooking. Its fun to have several different colors to choose from.
I started the bread about 15 minutes before the girls were due to arrive. We started with a prayer and then went straight into bread making. I gave each girl a plate with dough and 1/2 TBS of flour to work into the dough if it was too sticky. If their hands were getting sticky I just gave them another spoonful of flour until the dough was workable. I told the girls not to add too much flour, just barely enough that their hands weren't sticking to the dough. This worked out great and was very easy for the girls to do.
I had a greased cookie sheet in the center of the table and as they finished a sculpture they placed it on the tray. When the first one was full I put it in to bake and then they filled up a second tray. While they worked I asked them what bread had to do with church. They all knew it was sacrament. I saved the rest of the lesson for while the bread baked. The pictures I have above are from when I did this with my kids, but at our activity the girls wanted to paint their sculptures so they made an egg glaze with food coloring and used a spoon to put it on (seriously! One of the girls made it herself, I was impressed).
For the lesson (below) I had a few visual aides like my driver's license, a library book, a prescription, etc. After the lesson and while the bread was still baking, we took turns hiding the visual aides and playing hide and seek/hot n' cold. It was a simple, but the girls had fun with it.
I got a ton of compliments on the bread so I assume it tasted great. The girls were all so impressed that it smelled like pizza. We got the bread all cooked before our one hour activity was over and what was left of it got sent home with the girls on napkins. This was a super easy activity.
The plates the girls used to roll out their dough and you can also see the little bowls of "bread dough paint"
The only picture I have of colored bread dough. This girl just made a big ball of dough, most of the sculptures were a bit more detailed, but there is no wrong way!
Painting the bread with pizza oil right after taking it out of the oven.
Bears are easy to do: 1 big ball, two medium, 1 for snout, 1 for nose, 2 for eyes, and 2 for eyeballs.
Flowers are the easiest of all: six balls and a snake!
Sunshine: 1 snake pinched into a circle and 7 small balls pinched into triangles
Worm: very easy but a fun shape to eat
Heart: okay it doesn't look like a heart, but it was a heart with a snake to outline it
Yummy, yummy, yummy!
What things you can renew, why do you renew them? What happens if you don't renew these things?
Library books (3 weeks)
Drivers license (5 years)
Prescription (after x amount of refills, one year for glasses)
Certification (CPR every 2 years, lifeguarding 1 to 3 years, nursing (2 years), refereeing license 1 year, teaching degree (3-7 years)
Renew energy (rest, fluids, Gatorade)
Wind energy is renewable (pinwheel)
Temple recommend (2 years)
Baptismal Covenant (“often” once a week except stake and general conference)
Why do we renew our baptismal covenant so often? (remember him always, repentance & forgiveness)
What is our baptismal covenant? (obedience, take his name on us, mourn with those who mourn, comfort those who stand in need of comfort, stand as a witness at all times see mosiah 3:18-20)
What is the Lord's part of the covenant? (his spirit to be with us, blessed to take part in first resurrection, eternal life see mosiah 3:18-20)
Another reason to renew our covenant weekly: repentance & forgiveness
Challenge the girls to go home and teach their family what it means to renew our baptismal covenant. Let the parents know.
Additional info:
"Thirdly, during the sacrament we can feel forgiven of our sins. If we have spent time before sacrament meeting repenting of our sins, we can leave sacrament meeting feeling clean and pure. President Boyd K. Packer said: “The sacrament renews the process of forgiveness. Every Sunday when the sacrament is served, that is a ceremony to renew the process of forgiveness. … Every Sunday you cleanse yourself so that, in due time, when you die your spirit will be clean.”8 Partaking of the sacrament worthily can help us feel like the people of King Benjamin, who “were filled with joy, having received a remission of their sins, and having peace of conscience.”9
V. Partaking of the Sacrament Worthily Will Help Us Be Filled with the Holy Ghost
The fifth principle, partaking of the sacrament worthily, will help us be filled with the Holy Ghost. Upon instituting the sacrament during His visit to the Nephites, Jesus stated, “He that eateth this bread eateth of my body to his soul; and he that drinketh of this wine drinketh of my blood to his soul; and his soul shall never hunger nor thirst, but shall be filled.”11 They had been promised that if they hungered and thirsted after righteousness, they would be filled with the Holy Ghost. The sacramental prayer also promises that if we live up to our covenants, we will always have His Spirit to be with us.12
We will be blessed as we feel gratitude for the Atonement of Jesus Christ, renew our baptismal covenants, feel forgiveness, and receive inspiration from the Holy Ghost as we partake of the sacrament each week. It will always be a great sacrament meeting if the sacrament is the center of our worship. I express my gratitude for the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I know He lives. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
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