
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Serving Others activity "Heart Attacks"

Note: My girls requested this one and want to do it every year…

Purpose: To put the principle of charity into action. This passes off the optional goal for Serving Others in the Faith in God guidebook.

Lesson: "All The Energy of Heart"

Activity: Heart Attacks

When the girls started arriving we had paper hearts in assorted sizes, pencils, glue sticks,and markers set out. We explained we were going to decorate doors in the ward and that we needed to make as many hearts as we could. While they worked I passed out the names of families that had recently moved into our ward for them to put on the hearts and had them make hearts that said "welcome to the ward!".

note girls can bring items to put on the goodie trays.

Then we had the prayer and lesson. I started by showing an old worn out pair of shoes and a flashlight with dead batteries. We talked about how things wear out. I asked them to remember this for later in the lesson. Then I showed them the mormanad "When saw we thee a stranger" It shows a new girl who is being left out. We talked about how it takes a long time to feel comfortable in a new ward and that we wanted to really make the new members feel welcome. Then we talked about charity, the true love of Christ, and how including others is one way we show charity. I read the scripture in Moroni Chapter 8 about how we should pray for charity with all the energy of our heart. I explained that while shoes and batteries wear out quickly, our hearts beat every second of our whole life and that takes a lot of energy. Charity is something we spend our whole life seeking after, all the energy of our heart. In the end it will be the most important measure of our life.

Then off we went to "heart attack"/decorate doors and deliver plates of cookies/brownies. We have 25 girls, so we had to break into 6 groups and get some extra leaders. Be sure to have tape for each group if you go in separate cars. We also did heart attaacks for our primary presidency and music leader. It was fun, they really enjoyed it.


  1. We are doing heart attacks this week as well. I asked the girls to each bring 5 things for our baskets. We found out we have a member of the quorum of the seventy speaking at our building during AD. I just want to go to the fireside.

  2. We had our heart attack activity. It was incredibly well received. I have never heard so much praise for an activity. We took baskets to 5 widows. One Sister was out of town but said she felt so welcomed when she came home to find her door decorated and flowers and a gift basket on her table.
    We added a short lesson on charity after reading your blog. The girls were encouraged to write a person they would show charity to before our next activity and what they would do, then do it and report at our next meeting. We had extra heart boxes of candy so all the girls had a ready made gift for someone. One girl said she would make her Mom's bed every day then leave the box of chocolates on her pillow. What sweet girls we have in our group. Thank you for your ideas.
    Our next activity will be the Holy Ghost as a comforter. We will make loomed baby hats for a children's hospital in our area. We are helping the RS with their service project. We will talk about how the Holy Ghost makes us feel warm and secure like the baby hats do for the babies.
